Side program timeline

Side program timeline

13.09 . 21:30 Meeting the authors ODILO. OBSCURATION. ORATORIO. Sava Centre 14.09. 12:00 EU Day at Bitef Debate CHALLENGES OF THE MODERN DEMOCRACY EU Info Centre 19:00   EU Day at Bitef Exhibition   EUROPEAN YEAR OF CULTURAL HERITAGE - REGARDS FROM SERBIA   Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Main Hall 21:50 Meeting the Authors SUITE N°3  ‘ EUROPE ’   Yugoslav ...

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Meeting the authors

Meeting the authors

As part of the Meeting the Authors accompanying program, Bitef continues to foster the tradition of public debates between its authors and their audiences. Since the founding of the festival, this program has been envisioned as a space where the authors of the productions from the main program would meet with the Bitef audience, in order to discuss the productions, processes, artistic principles, issues raised by the plays, but also the broader social context within which they were created. All significant authors who have presented their work at Bitef in the last half of century, took part in this program, and all discussions were recorded, transcribed and preserved in ...

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Philosophical theatre

Philosophical theatre

“Philosophical Theatre” is a project launched in 2014 in Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, and has been carried out in the National Theatre in Belgrade for three years now. The underlying idea was to reestablish close relationship between philosophy and theatre. As the project initiator, Srećko Horvat, states it, “the link between philosophy and theatre has always been stronger than the link between philosophy and any other media. The most famous and the most influential works by Jean-Paul Sartre are, indisputably, his plays, just as Bertolt Brecht started deliberating the radical policy through theatre and thus building his epic theatre.” ...

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The main purpose of the side programme Showcase of Serbian Theatre, which is organized every year, is to offer an opportunity for foreign guests to get a glimpse into theatre production in Serbia. Creating it, the artistic team is led mostly by high artistic standards of the chosen performances which do not necessarily have to match the artistic or thematic stream of the main programme. Still, each of this year’s four selected performances seem to somehow correspond with this year’s festival main topic thus establishing a unique dialogue with the main programme.   After last year’s „trip“ to Subotica, when the audience saw ...

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In 1967 the American critic Michael Fried published his essay Art and Objecthood  in which, whilst emphasizing the difference between modernism and minimal art, he used terms ’presentness’ and ’theatricality’ as characteristics of the former, i.e. the latter. Without going into the interpretation of this distinction, we note that ’theatricality’ - which in Fried appears to mean an affected construction, artificiality and ’posing’ -  is introduced into the history of art discourse as a negative feature of art disrupting the ontology of a modernist work and the value ...

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HOW COME YOU ARE ALIVE? Nineteenth Bitef POLYPHONY, as the festival side programme dedicated to the role that theatre artists and other creators have in the work with young people, will be held from 15 th to 21 st September. Urged by 52 nd Bitef concept, expressed through its slogan “World Without Us” and its focus on the art phenomena in contemporary theatre and performing arts that point out at disturbing social phenomena of the contemporary society, the title of 19 th Bitef POLYPHONY is “HOW COME YOU ARE ALIVE?”. Opening the discussion about the main topics in this year’s programme, Bitef POLYPHONY continues its search for polyphonic ...

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In the 21 st century, theatre occupies a brand-new place in the public dialogue. New technologies take over various functions from other media, even the artistic ones, while those other media must acknowledge the specific features of the contemporary means of communication which bring along a completely new experience of time, space and the world in general. Now when information is widely accessible, art and culture, as living segments of spiritual identity on both national and international level, are obliged to understand the world in a new and specific way in correspondence with the altered parameters, values and language. Moreover, it is necessary to support, promote ...

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Bitef Library

Bitef Library

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Educational programme for young managers and producers in culture17–21 September When talking about BITEF within the context of the modern world theatre, one usually has in mind its programme and artistic significance as well as the selection which encompassed almost all the authors of relevance for the history of theatre in the 20 th and early 21 st century. During all those years, BITEF made room for new artistic tendencies and promoted the evolution in festival management and theatre production. The novelties in artistic expression are inextricably linked with innovative practices in theatre organisation. For that reason, we can rightfully say that the ...

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TV series "Teatrologike" is examining complicated social circumstances in the region. It shows perspective of theater artists who critically approach our common past and present, by expressing themselves through various artistic expressions and their public appearances. The main focus of the series is on theatre workers who are trying to create a unique regional cultural space through socially responsible artistic work. The purpose of the project is to encourage cultural dialogue in the region and to discuss about existing situation in the theater systems on the territory of Serbia and the former Yugoslavia.  "Teatrologike" presents principles of work, ways ...

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After Ten

After Ten

  After Ten programme consists of themed parties which follow the particular concept of every year's festival and are organized after each premiere. The parties take place at various city venues and are complemented with various performances, video animations, exhibitions and promotional events. The organization is supported by the embassies and cultural centres of the countries which present their performances in Bitef main selection. After ten parties are unique meeting point of the participants, partners, audience, guests and press representatives from country and abroad.   VENUES OF AFTER TEN PROGRAMME:   14 th September Festival opening party ...

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